Thursday, April 18, 2013

"Here's To You" a poem by Kaleigh Coffman

This poem was written by my younger sister Kaleigh Coffman. She emailed me yesterday and told me that she had written a poem that she was would like me to read. I was jazzed! I had no idea that she wrote a bit of verse here and there. She informed me that this poem was written in anger, as a response to all of the people in her life who were judging every little decision she was making at the time. Apparently, she decided to post it on Facebook and it ended up being very effective. The friends and family members who were hounding her, stopped. She has since taken it down, so I thought I would put it back up :) Sometimes we have to celebrate strong reactions even if they are in anger. I personally appreciate those like "Here's to You," that fight back peacefully and effectively, through the silence of the written word. 

Here’s To You

Here’s to those who think that I’m not good enough,
Or think that I’m weak.
Here’s to those who think that I’m dependent,
Or think that I’m meek.

Here’s to those who think that I won’t make it,
Or think that I’m not strong,
Here’s to those who think that I’m stupid,
Or think that I am wrong.

Here’s to you my so called friends,
I am far ahead of you in life.
For I have accepted who I am today
And faced my inner strife.

Here’s to you, the liar and the cheater,
to all of my fellow sinners.
There is one difference between you and I.
Between the losers and the winners.

Here’s to you, my life observers,
I don’t really care what you think.
I live my life before you
With a smile and a wink.

Heres to you, my inspiration.
I’m calling you out.
Can you do half the things I have done?
How would you turn out?

Here’s to you, and all your criticism.
Thanks for challenging me and tearing me down.
I have been rebuilt. 
My two legs are on firmly on the ground.

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