Sunday, September 4, 2016

"the voice of providence" a poem by Jess Coffman

Arms open wide,
Fingers splayed with white energy shooting from the tips. 
Choking hesitation,
Knees buckled, with eyes open wide.

"Don't look down," my heart whispers to myself.
"Don't do this at all" or "Leap into your Life!"
my heart,
my fearless guide. 
Though, not always the clearest or wisest guide.
She has led to the edge before.
Though I've never felt quite like this.
So, I'm contemplating the idea, 
that she may be getting wiser. 
Though my soul, I know to be the most wise.
Listening to my soul's voice, 
as opposed to my heart, 
is exposing itself to be, 
my most profound adult challenge. 

I inch to the edge, 
And of course I look down to the immense beauty below. 
I'm learning to stop and take in my choices,
Instead of flinging myself off the cliff of possibility.
Openness I do well, it may be one of my best qualities. 
But an open heart, even if its strong, 
Shatters at the bottom of the ravine,
If thrown with uninhibited force,
and without proper buoyant protection. 

My heart says "Leap!" "Go!" "Do It!" 
But my soul says "wait." "be cautious." "be aware."
The voices compete for my attention. 
And because I've listened to my heart over soul,
over and over again in my life, 
My heart voice is much louder. 

I close my eyes softly,
seeing the light behind my eyelids.
I feel the silent gravity of the chasm below. 
It neither calls to me or rejects me.
It just waits, with enormous beauty and space. 
I'm ready to jump into its depth,
And fly-dance all the way down,
Painting the air, with my love.
All of my vibrant colors firing out of me,
and splattering on rocks and trees, and animals. 
The muted colors ooze out, becoming ribbons  
that twirl and stay near to me. 
New colors are created, and I'm high-delighted.
Everything I am, exploding and trickling out
at the same time, and I feel so alive as I fall. 
My chest squeezes itself in an excited hug. 

The weight of the colors and the numerous amount of ribbons,
entangle to form a hammock of safety for the way down.
And I'm safe in this parachute of peace. 
I slow down immensely, and tiptoe, then collapse into the hammock. 
Legs open, one over the edge, arms outstretched.
I rock gently side to side.
I take in the scent of the earth,
and the sound of the woodpeckers and hummingbird wings. 
My heart beats slowly, my mind relieved, surprised, peaceful. 
My soul gleams. 
The bees smile. 
I land so softly in the ravine, resting upon the colors of my life. 
My hammock becomes a boat, and I float calmly
on these cleansing waters. 
My heart and soul, at peace. 
In alignment.
Speaking the same words,
And I don't have to choose, 
I am. 

When I open my eyes, my vision beautiful and clear. 
I take stock of my body, and feel the wind as it pushes me back. 
I feel the weight of the air in my lungs, and my body on my feet.
I step back from the edge,
waiting for the voice of my soul to speak. 
I am listening.
I am aware. 
It is silent, but I am patient. 


Peace, hope and stillness,

Your Jess

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