Saturday, September 10, 2016

"all bright" a poem by Jess Coffman

She enlivens the room,
With a flash of her smile.
She hugs your whole being,
She discovers your good.
She laughs under beanies,
She cries everyday,
Her glassy eyes see you,
and beg you to stay.

She dances on toes,
Meant to swim in the sea.
Her soul is wide open,
Her love's given free.
She's heaven's soft kiss,
and Gaia's pure gold,
She'll give you her life,
And her hand to hold.

But those eyes never lie,
and her words spill like tears,
When her faith is dried out in the sun.
Though her legs are like roots,
And her voice like a flute,
She can't see herself as "the one."

Light offers light,
in the hopes that she might,
See her worth, as a beacon of love.
But she gives herself up,
Sacrificing her cup,
Clipping the wings of a dove.

She envisions a world,
plugged into peace.
She shows up each morning,
Attempting hope.
She offers her stories,
She trusts in the path,
She faces the battle,
Easing the wrath.

She receives, what she gifts,
Tiny slivers of God,
She's grateful for each,
then releases.
She sprinkles them over
The heads of the needing,
Truth scattered,
In millions of pieces.

But those eyes never lie,
and her words spill like tears,
When her faith is dried out in the sun.
Though her legs are like roots,
And her voice like a flute,
She can't see herself as "the one."

Light offers light,
in the hopes that she might,
See her worth, as a beacon of love.
But she gives herself up,
Sacrificing her cup,
Clipping the wings of a dove.

She'll help you see life,
As an endless bounty,
An abundance of beauty and rest.
She's never resolved,
She lives by the call,
She'll break herself, doing her best.

She takes every challenge,
She'd save any stranger,
Her beauty is lasting and fair.
I pray that someday, she would thrive
In her glow, and would remain
Forever aware.

She's radiant love,
She can fly if she wants,
Her heart reformed and relieved,
She's heaven on earth, a channel for good
She is All,
If she only believed.


"all bright" is inspired by and dedicated to my beautiful soul sister Alicia Albright. I have had the immense privilege of getting to know her, be lit up by her, listen to her, learn from her, be supported by her, be super weird with her, dance alongside her and love her. 
She is one of the best humans I know, and quickly has become one of my favorite people. 
Let's be real dear, you're one of everyone's favorite people. 

Peace, Light and Sisterhood,

Your Jess

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