Put a Towel Over It and Move On
I'm feeling a little tipsy-dipsy,
How's about a drink?
My life is a little bit flipsy.
A drink and a listen?
What do you think?
I'm feeling a little unproductive,
I'm in between jobs.
Relaxing all day was seductive,
A life for the lucky?
A life for slobs?
I'd rather be bossing people around,
I'm mostly Type A.
I don't bring people down.
I like to empower
In a nice way.
It's great that my boyfriend is so Type B,
We balance out well.
He withholds me from insanity,
I keep him on his toes.
He rings my bell.
I've only been out of work two whole nights,
But I feel so glum.
A perfect love is almost enough,
But I have a purpose,
And I must succumb.
I'm sorry that I am such an asshole,
Cause now I must go.
You've helped me to remember my goal
For a well-balanced life.
So here's some dough.
Buy yourself another whisky sour,
You deserve a treat.
I'm off to write the song of this hour,
A song of life balance,
Of struggle so sweet.
I hope you 'll discover your life's work,
And your life's love too.
I'll write of your eyes and playful smirk.
I won't forget your help.
Love it!! Damn, call you butter because you are on a roll