Friday, September 6, 2013

"My Shortest Skirt" a poem by Jess Coffman

I am not sure exactly what inspired me to write this poem the other day. I must have been looking down at my lower half and thinking how boring and grown up my pants looked. I don't particularly remember seeing a young girl in a slutty tight skirt or anything. I was simply standing in the subway station waiting for my train, when these words started rolling around in my head.

My Shortest Skirt

My Shortest Skirt, I give away,
With Hope that it will not bring Trouble,
To younger hips who are searching still,
Let a rose emerge among the rubble.

My memories, are lost in time.
When pleasant nights tuned into heartbreak,
A shadowy past, angers those I love,
The conscious mind suffers, for the heart's sake.

My Shortest Skirt, I give away,
As wrinkles settle round my lashes,
That I have earned from lessons learned,
As youthful embers fade to ashes. 



  1. I think every women at some point in her life can relate to that one! The shortest shirt continues the Circle of Life! Lol

  2. Thank you so much for commenting! I love when you leave me little notes here. I am so glad that you connected with this one!
