Your Music resounds within me,
Swirling Lavender, pulsing Soul.
It transforms old faces into new,
It buries roots,
building Harmony,
Making Whole.
Your powerful voice thunders through me,
Sighs of longing, escape under the sun.
You have melted the numbness,
Surrounding my heart.
And my heart you have expertly won.
You are stunningly beautiful, under the lights.
Your magnificence is wild.
I catch your smile in the air,
And it makes me giddy like a child.
You helped me give a gift, on the wind.
We blew it out together like a wish.
We whispered love into their ears,
We offered a choice,
In the face of their fears.
We shook them with laugher,
And moved them to tears.
We offered them change,
In the face of their years.
We have opened our arms to their hiding.
A “Welcome Home!”
Forever on our lips.
A Reawakening,
might be a souvenir,
Where the adventures are epic,
And the wine drips.
There is always newness to discover,
Someone or something, to bring back to life.
With a pioneer’s heart you’ll uncover,
A focused fluidity,
Imbibed in the pioneer’s strife.
With shameless and fierce curiosity,
We seek the rocks to build our foundation.
And with Spirits full of excitement,
We nurtured a freeing love, and collaboration.
To call you my friend is an Honor.
To be a Child with you,
A Gift.
You’re forever written in my story,
However long, however swift.
There is magic infused within our bones,
Pure euphoria, beats with our blood.
We’ve transcended the likely story.
We’ve danced among trees,
And played in the mud.
We’ve created happiness together,
Cause you have seen me,
with Knowing eyes.
And with palms Overflowing with color,
You’ll paint over dreary goodbyes.
I’ll let go of you, masterful and shining,
Cause we know with whom we belong.
And tomorrow, I’ll hum the sweet melody,
Of the hope we aroused with our song.
"My Darlings," was written to honor some beautiful friends that I made while performing for Transcendence Theatre Company. The cast, crew and musicians that inspired this poem, were from our Fantastical Family Night show, that just ended last weekend. On our first day of rehearsal, our brave leader Amy Miller, perched on a wooden picnic bench, under knowing oak trees, and asked us all to tell the group why were were excited to work for the company.
Most people said, something along the lines of "because I get to be with my tribe," or "the nature here is stunning," or "I need to recharge away from NYC, to remember why I love performing." Whatever the reason, people come to Sonoma to work for Transcendence, and they fall in love. They fall in love with other like-minded individuals, they fall in love with nature, they fall in love their craft, or they fall in love with themselves. The air is so clean, it's like food for the lungs, the wine is flowing and the generosity here from the community, is endless and inspiring.
I know that I get to be the best version of myself here, that is the reason I am always excited to work for Transcendence. I get to keep the harmony within myself. The "mother wolf," inside gets to nurture, the child gets to explore and frolic and the growing artist gets to work. I am my most calm here, my most fed, my most actualized.
Thank-you to everyone in my Fantastical Family Night cast, who help me be a fuller version of myself. It was so fun to play with you. I am honored by your love and talent. May you keep listening to your inner child, always.
Peace, Treasures and Green Kazoos,