I fell in love.
I fell in love with you because you give me 100% of yourself and more.
You make me feel my heart inside of my body,
and my blood pumping through my veins.
and my blood pumping through my veins.
I was inside a dark cave fighting my self critic,
my wholeness being chipped away.
broken and drained.
Losing my light, feeling worthless.
I didn’t know where I fit in as a person anymore, as an artist.
I had forgotten the love.
But you sat with me and my bucket of tears,
and helped me gather myself.
and helped me gather myself.
You simply asked me to BE and breathe, in community.
And I felt appreciated for the first time.
You taught me that the challenge is the way,
That life is magical, and people really do believe in dreams.
And I wanted what you had.
You do what you love, with people you love, in community,
To move forward positivity.
To move forward positivity.
And that has made me lit up as fuck.
And I am refined by that fire.
You have rejuvenated me, with the challenge
to step out of my comfort zone,
to step out of my comfort zone,
for the joyful and hopeful possibility of feeling new again.
I wouldn’t have had the courage to listen to myself without you.
But now my heart and my gut guides me.
You have transformed my life.
My soul feels realigned and I can recieve and chill.
I can celebrate myself now,
with the perspective shift to focus my gifts, to serve my community.
And the best part is…the glue, that holds us together, is light.
And we get to be a light together.
And we get to feel like home.
Our threads of light have converged,
and now you are rooted in my heart.
and now you are rooted in my heart.
You are hard-wired into my happiness and my history.
And we get to feel like family.
I want you to know that I’m your number one fan.
If you ever feel not enough, I will uplift you.
I will be your beautiful support.
Even if we are half a world away,
I will do what I can to brighten you.
I will do what I can to brighten you.
To remind you that what you do is phenomenal.
To remind you that everyday the universe folds to take you
where you are supposed to be.
where you are supposed to be.
But, that living is about connection.
Truly living is about the experience and not the outcome.
I will remind you that you have everything you need,
and time doesn’t matter.
and time doesn’t matter.
The uphill climb often leads to the awakening.
So onward we climb,
because we have to inspire and enlighten people’s lives.
because we have to inspire and enlighten people’s lives.
We are here to create wonders.

"Wonderlove," was inspired by the words of amazing people working for Transcendence Theatre Company's first ever spring concert, Best of Broadway. I was incredibly inspired by my cast and this entire experience. The words of this poem were weaved together, from the answers that the cast, and members of the company gave to the following questions, "Why did you wake up this morning?" and "Why are you excited to work for Transcendence?" From their beautiful and wise responses I wrote "Wonderlove," and I am honored and blessed by these words and these exceptional human beings.
Thank-you for enlivening me.
Beauty, Broadway and Our Best,
Your Jess